What To Do When Moving With Pets
Moving with pets can be quite complex when addressing relocating. Moving in itself can cause a lot of stress on every individual, and so to, on pets. It is important to plan ahead in order to ensure the well being of your furry friends so that they to can transition in a healthy, stress free manner. New Times Moving is happy to make a few suggestions as a part of the services that we provide, so that you can manage moving your pets in the least complicated manner. This will ensure that the experience is positive for you and especially for your pet.
When starting to plan your relocation process it is important to make sure that you have done a few things first. Take your pet to the vet and make sure that they are up to date with vaccinations and have received a stamp of health approval from the vet himself. This is crucial because pets that are transported can also go into a state of shock, lose weight or may need medication, so please make sure that we can avoid any further stress on your pets so that the experience can be successful for all of you.